3. How to generate a transcript of records

To have an overview of your current achievements, you can generate a transcript of records (in the form of a PDF document) which lists all the courses you pre-selected (and/or registered for) including grades and ECTS credits.

To do so, click on the function Transcript and subsequently the PDF symbol.

You can then open and/or save this document which contains information about the semester, maximally available and awarded ECTS credits, grade and status for every exam you have taken.

If you need a stamped and/or signed copy of your transcript.

Please note: the transcript you have generated is valid with the electronic stamp and without a signature. Should you have questions regarding your transcript, please contact the International Office (erasmus-incoming@lmu.de or lmuexchange-incoming@lmu.de).

If you study Business Studies or Economics, please contact the following persons:

Business Studies Frau Lilli Heininger
Munich School of Management
Ludwigstraße 28, room 07a
Tel.: +49 (0) 89 / 2180 - 3902
Economics ISC - Information and Service Center der Wirtschaftwissenschaftlichen Fakultäten
Ludwigstraße 28, room 020

How to receive a transcript or records in three easy steps

  1. Compile your timetable
  2. Lecturers and/or study managers enter your grades and ECTS credits into LSF
  3. Generate a transcript of records