Should I Claim Dependents on My Unemployment Benefits?

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Although each state's laws governing unemployment eligibility differ slightly, some states provide an additional stipend for claimants' dependents. This stipend is added to the claimant's benefits. Those who fraudulently claim dependent benefits may face felony fraud charges.

Claiming Dependents

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If your state provides dependent benefits, it's in your best interest to claim all qualifying benefits when you make your initial claim. While state requirements may sometimes differ, workers may generally use the same guidelines for claiming dependents as when filing their federal income taxes. Unless the dependent is physically unable to work, most states require they be less than 18 years old or a student.

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Dependent Stipend

In every state, unemployment insurance agencies base benefits primarily on the applicant's past earnings. States that allow for additional benefits for dependent children usually don't alter their benefit determination calculation, but simply provide an additional lump-sum amount for each qualifying dependent. Most states that supplement unemployment benefits for claimants with dependents typically only provide small weekly stipends in addition to traditional unemployment benefits -- $25 per child in Massachusetts Illinois and $10 per child in Maine, for example -- and limit the number of dependents you may claim.